Friday, November 12, 2010

Siddhartha Discussion #2--Period 1


  1. I think Siddhartha's dream symbolizes his transition from relying on Govinda's companionship to Kamala's. It also shows his dependence on that companionship by comparing him to a nursing baby.

  2. I think Siddhartha's dream shows part of his desire to be loved and needed. He wants to be with Kamala but he shouldn't, so his dream about Govinda is part of his unconscious desires to be with someone who can take care of and nurture him, no matter what.

  3. I think/wonder if maybe Siddhartha is missing Govinda and they way he is fixing that he is with kamala or also I agree with molly that he is shifting best friends or companions.

  4. I think that the dream might be symbolic of Siddhartha's realiance on other people. First he relies on Govinda, and now as he moves on in his life he is relying on Kamala to show him his worth.

  5. Usually dreams represent subconscious thoughts did Siddhartha have more personal feelings for Govinda then just friendship?

  6. The dream that Siddhartha has is about his translation from his old self to his present being.

  7. I think the dream represents the new desires that Siddartha is seeking, he has now lost his best friend and being on his own all the distractions of the outside world, such as women, become very strong to him. When Siddartha left Govinda he was leaving behind his life of having nothing and is moving towards his life of riches and I feel the dream represents this transition.

  8. @ Ms Moritz
    I think it shows the progression/change of Siddhartha's view on life. Not for the better, but for the worse, because he is used to relying on Govinda to have his back and now he doesnt have that.

  9. I think Siddhartha is trying to transfer from one friend to another, and this dream is an example of knowing he is able to shift friends

  10. The dream Siddhartha has of Govinda becoming a woman, may be symbolic of his change from being a samana of no wants and desires to someone who wants knowledge of life.

  11. I think the dream symbolizes Siddhartha's increasing desire and curiosity for sex. I think that Govinda is in it simply because he is the only one that Siddhartha has ever been around for a long period of time and so closely. I don't think this is saying that Siddhartha actually desires Govinda but Govinda is simply the one to appear in the dream because he is the only one that Siddhartha knows well enough to 'dream of'.

  12. @Nicole
    I think it just represents how Govinda always baby-ed Siddhartha, nothing more than that.

  13. I don't think Siddhartha had personal feelings for Govinda besides a strong friendship. I think he thought of Govinda like a brother because he could depend on him for everything. In return, Siddhartha gained a follower, someone who always thought highly of him and wanted to imitate his ways. I think he's missing that strong sense of companionship.

  14. Siddhartha's dream shows how he has changed over time and finding someone new to rely upon now that Govinda has left him. Ever since his best friend had left he has been in search of love and a new companion.

  15. I agree with Katie that the dream represents his transition from nothing to riches. Siddhartha needed Govinda to keep him on a structured path and without him, he strays away and gives in to temptation.

  16. Lauren C- if his dream is about the desire and curiosity for sex than why was Govinda the one who turned into a woman? wouldn't you think Siddhartha would dream about a regular woman?

  17. Nicole~ I don't think Siddhartha had more personal feelings towards Govinda than friendship, I just think he was Siddhartha's best friend for so long and always gave him so much support, and Govinda changing into a woman in the dream represents his transition to having support from others.

  18. I think that Siddartha still has to over come his past habits, and that's why he left. On top of that he went from more pure to some woman walking up to him and is like I want sex. That woulds be a little shocking to anyone I think

  19. I think that it represents his guilt in his subconcious. I think deep down inside he realizes that he messed up his friendship with Govinda when started completely over. His new life is very different. His life before with Govinda was nothing and now he is living this life of extravagance. So his life turns a complete 180 and he feels guilty about it.

  20. it seems like diddhartha is starting to get confused and is starting to vear off from his course in trying to find enlightenment. The good part about it is that he is learning from his mistake.

  21. Rachael - What I see it as, and it's a bit hard to explain, is that Siddhartha hasn't really known any women well enough to dream of them. In dreams we usually bring up the people that are most familiar but we all know that dreams often twist reality to a great degree. I think Siddhartha was perhaps desiring not only sex but the return of his friend. He is lonely in both ways and this dream just manages to combine both of those desires.

  22. Going off of what Sean said, has Siddhartha strayed from his path? I think he has, I feel like he lost all the hard work he put into ridding himself of temptations. Do you guys think he's lost himself along the way or is this part of his method?

  23. Siddartha leaves because his entire life he has been taught the importance of the "abstinence from impurity" and although he is still on his own, he still holds some of the values that he was raised with. So he runs away because he knows that those are not the morals and values of the cultures he has been raised with and he is not ready to let go of those ideals.

  24. I think Siddartha backed away because he wasn't ready yet. When we go on our own we feel like we can do anything but when it comes to the point of doing something we get scared.

  25. Siddhartha stops because he starts to realize what's right and what's wrong through his morals and learning. His inner conscious affects his thinking and decisions.

  26. I do think Siddhartha has lost himself, and I also think that is part of the journey, to know himself to lose himself.

  27. I agree with Rachael, if Siddhartha wanted to have sexual fantisies, I don't think he would choose his best guy friend. I think Govinda represents the rebirth

  28. Cate~that's what I thought too I think though that it's more like he was always there for Siddartha like a brother kind of. I didn't mean like relationship wise. But like familiar brother kind of thing

  29. Lauren- that makes a lot of sense, i know i have had many dreams that i wake up and wonder what just happened. than.k you for explaining

  30. I agree with Emliy that many times people will have sex without worrying about it because they want attention. Most of the time this conversation is focused on girls but I think it can apply to guys too.

  31. I agree with Maddie. I think he still has those voices in his head and he hasn't learned how to ignore them and he hasn't learned listen to them as well but to do his own thing.

  32. Spelled Emily's name wrong. My bad

  33. I agree with Emily and Sean, girls usually just do it for attention, and there is definitely a double standard for guys.

  34. erin-I think he has lost his path. I feel that when he looks back on it he will feel as if it was part of his method but in this moment he truly has lost his way and he is so caught up on all of it that he can’t realize how lost he truly is.

  35. what are your thoughts about having sex in high school? i agree with Emily, they do it for attention and its a different form of caring, in their mind.

  36. -Emily

    I disagree with you. I don't believe Siddhartha has remorse or guilt towards his past with Govinda. I don't believe he looks upon his past with any guilt, because he has only shown that he has grown from his past.

  37. I think that Siddhartha was scared that his parents or the Samanas would find out and be disappointed in him.

  38. I think the sex in high school thing can go very many ways, sometimes it IS done for attention. Some people see it as a badge of honor and the more you hear of your friends having sex the more you start to question your morals and want to fit in. I don't think that every person that has sex in high school does it for attention though. I truley believe, and you can mock me for this if you want, that some couples are ready for it in high school and I think in some cases, especially for girls, its the love for the other person that makes it ok for them.

  39. I agree with Parker, Siddartha is veering away from his path, I think at some point he will look back and learn from his mistakes but for now he is confused and trying to find his way to enlightenment.

  40. Erinp~ I think that Siddhartha has made some mistakes, but I think this is the only way to reach enlightenment. I think that if he doesn't experience the world he won't ever be able to reach his inner self. Without making mistakes it is very hard to learn lessons.

  41. -Cole
    but has he actually GROWN? He is always continually going back to his past. Was he better off in the beginning or where he is now?

  42. I think people just have sex becasue of the people around all of them and what people in today's world expect from other people and what they expect in today's society

  43. rachael-I think time is a huge factor. We've been in school for 3 months and it seems like so much longer, although it's gone by fast. I think for us, 3 months is a long amount of time and if you can date someone longer than that, it's really good. But adults have been married for 20 years which seems like forever to us. I think there are expectations in society for people to have sex with the person they're dating because as a girl, we want to be loved and if we give everything to a guy, they'll love us back.

  44. cate- so if the only way for Siddartha to reach enlightenment is to make these mistakes, then is it not ok for practicing Buddhist today to make these mistakes because now they have things like the Noble Truths? Or is it still necessary to reach enlightenment?

  45. Adam... nice use of caps lock. It totally works because the word grown has actually grown in size! Good emphasis on that. But I do agree that he might not have grown from his past. I think this point in the book is Siddhartha needing to overcome obsticles.

  46. -Emily

    I disagree with you. I don't think he was worried about his parents or anyone else finding out. I think it was a result of personal morals and his own thoughts, not so much about external consequences.

  47. Erin- i agree with you 100% in high school three months is a long time, but is there an excuse for a girl to want to have sex in order to be loved more? i feel like girls think "if i don't have sex with him he will break up with me" and they don't want him to stop loving.

  48. Cole~I agree I don't think that Siddartha cared much about other people at this point. He left Govinda when he knew how much that relationship meant to him.

  49. Parker9-
    Are you then saying that people have no individuality? That they can't think for themselves, and simply go "well, everyone else is doing it, so I'd better." The old "would you jump off of a bridge too?" phrase applies here.

  50. I agree with Erin, we see 3 months as such a long time and if your relationship last that long it's a miracle. Some people give themselves to people so easily in order to feel that love back and will do anything for it, even go against their morals. I think some people have sex as almost a right of passage and do it to fit in with what they think everyone is taking a part in. And other people can see it as a since of security and make feel older and more mature than they are.

  51. I missed what Moritz said... will someone explain to me what was so funny?

  52. I agree with sean, what did she say?

  53. rachael, I don't think there's an excuse, I agree with what you said, I think girls have this mindset where they convince themselves to have sex or do other things they don't necessarily want to because they feel like it's the only way they can be loved. I don't like that fact, I think it just gives people more proof that girls are overdramatic haha because we feel that we have to do something in order to get something in return, in this case, love.

  54. KatieM~ I think modern practicing Buddhists attempt to follow the Noble Truths, however no one can follow them perfectly. I think that the times when people apparently "stray" from their religions are the times that make their faiths stronger. If they return to their faith most of the time their morals are strengthened and they have learned more about themselves. Do you agree?

  55. Parker-
    I think that is true for a lot of people, they would follow anyone anywhere, because they can't think for themselves, they have never had to, they haven't grown that far in their lives, they have always had someone think for them.

  56. Nicole
    We all have that really close friend, but we eventually have to move on in life due to obsticles and circumstances, like Siddhartha did. It's not like he didnt care, he just had to move on

  57. Erin- I also really agree with what you’re saying it makes a great point. But do you also think there are girls out there that may not necessarily want to be loved, but they use that as their excuse to have sex, is it a big deal for everyone or does it just depend on how you are raised?

  58. Rachael S~I think that it's more of the pressure involved. Not only does society say it's okay, but pressure from friends, from boyfriends/girlfriends. I do think that feeling loved deprived plays a part in it, but I don't think that thats the only reason.

  59. I think it's wrong that so many people are assuming that every guy and girl in high school fit the same stereotype regarding sex. Not every single girl is going to give a guy her body just because she's afraid he'll leave if she doesn't. Nor do I think that every guy demands that from a girl and threatens to leave her if she doesn't give it up. Sure this happens, and maybe it happens a lot but there are other reasons that couples have sex and most of the time it's when they're both ready to. Just saying =)

  60. I think just sitting around and thinking about ideas is good but I don't think it's nesesarily the way to learn about the world and smaller things. I agree with Megan, because we are taught to do what our teachers tell us. Also I agree with Alyssa too. Just beacuse we copy and regurgitate it we never learn.

  61. Rachael S-
    It's sad that girls feel that way. Guys that break up with a girl over that are extremely frowned upon (except by guys who do the same thing). The ONE high school relationship I've seen work well and last a long time had absolutely nothing of the sort going on. It was a caring relationship where nobody felt pressured, and (to the best of my knowledge) they didn't feel like they had to have sex just to fit in. It worked BECAUSE they didn't.

  62. Adam~I can understand that. But he still had trouble moving on. Kamala tells him that he still acts like a Samana. So I think that deep down, he's still not past losing his friend.

  63. Erin- once again i agree with you. do you think this goes along with the quote about writing is good but thinking is better?

    i think it does because i don't think the girls think about what they are letting themselves do, i think they are blind by the relationship and will do what ever it takes to keep the relationship going, instead of thinking if having sex is what they want to do.

  64. ParkerH~ I don't think Parker was saying that people don't have individuality. I think in high school it is just so much easier to do what your peers are doing. I don't think this is necessarily a good thing, I just think that it takes a very strong, self confident, person to be "different" in high school. Everyone is trying to discover who they are in high school, and often its easiest to just be like everyone else.

  65. I agree with Parker, the best relationships are based off trust and not pressure. If each individual feels a lot of pressure to do something they dont want to do, they shouldnt be together.

  66. katie- That's a good point, I think the first time for every girl is a big deal no matter how you are raised. It just depends on if you continue to have sex that can show how you are raised. If you're raised in a good loving family, stereotypically you'll have sex with someone you feel comfortable with even if you're in high school. Someone who had a harder upbringing, maybe lacking a strong male figure, could view sex as something to do and not something that's emotionally and physically connecting. These are just stereotypes though, all of these roles could be reversed, I'm just using that as an example.

  67. ParkerH~I'm glad you said that, because it expresses something that people don't usually see

  68. I agree with Nicole in that he hasn't gotten past Govinda leaving. I think Siddhartha will always act more like a Samana and at this point in the book he is going nowhere. He isn't in a place where he belongs and he needs to move past it to continue his journey and reach his goal.

  69. Allie-
    Maybe that's true about subjects you don't like, but in classes I have an interest in, I learn the stuff. I'll go a bit deeper, and learn stuff the teacher doesn't tell me. I pretty much taught myself Spanish in third year because my teacher was so ridiculously pathetic that she couldn't teach me much of anything. I asked questions she didn't even know the answer to. So no, I don't think we always regurgitate. Sometimes yes, but if you want to learn, you're going to simply use what the teacher gives you as a starting point.

  70. Cate- I agree that no one can live perfectly by things like the noble truths, learning from your mistakes is a huge part of any religion. But in the Buddhist religion do you think there are different levels of mistakes you can make or is any type of "sin" an equal mistake? For example in a Buddhist eyes do you think there is a difference in having sex and cussing?

  71. I agree with Parker, a relationship doesn't work when someone feels pressure to fit in with other couples. I think people assume that more couples are having sex that really are in high school.
